
The Fund is administered by the National Council of Churches of Kenya (NCCK) in Nairobi as part of its national scholarship program. Students are nominated by regional committees and selected by a national committee. One student each year is a graduate of the Kinyoro Primary School near Kitale, Western Province. Otherwise, students are selected from the national pool.

The Budd Scholarship is designated as a 501(c)3 non-profit organization by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

NCCK Nobel Peace Prize Nomination

In February of 2023 it was announced that the National Council of Churches of Kenya, the administrator of Budd Scholarship in Kenya, had been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize for 2023. A Press Statement on the nomination can be found here:

In Memoriam

The Budd Scholarship remembers Michael McCarthy, who died in April of 2022. He was a longtime friend of the Budd Scholarship, serving first as its treasurer and later as a board member. He visited Kenya in 2005 and witnessed the profound effect that the Scholarship has on students’ lives. Michael served on the boards of several service and arts organizations, and was an avid bluegrass musician, playing the banjo, guitar, bass, and piano. We are grateful for his many years of service to the Budd Scholarship.

Board Of Directors

In the United States, the Board that maintains the funds and administers the scholarship consists of:

William Budd III
William Budd Jr.
David Budd
Mary Logan
Emily Baillos
Daniel Ritchie

About the Board Members

President- William Budd III

William “Bill” Budd III is the oldest child of William Budd Jr. He received a BS in Business Management from Babson College. Bill was a Peace Corps Volunteer in Mali from 2009 to 2011, where he worked in the Small Enterprise Development sector. He currently resides in Connecticut and works as an enterprise performance management consultant.

Vice President- William Budd, Jr.

William “Bill” Budd Jr. is the oldest son of William and Nancy Budd. He resides in Connecticut with his wife, Nancy. They have three grown children. Bill received a B.A. from Dartmouth College. He plays hockey, enjoys hiking, and is an avid skier and cyclist. He currently works in the financial services industry.

Vice President – David Budd

David Budd is the third child of William and Nancy Budd. He received a B.A. in Professional Photography from The Brooks Institute of Photography in Santa Barbara, CA. He is a commercial photographer living in Colorado. An avid skier and bicyclist like his father, he is married to Elizabeth, has two canine children, Hubbell and Oxford, and one feline child, Willow.

Secretary – Mary Logan

Mary Budd Logan is the oldest daughter of William and Nancy Budd. She lives in Connecticut with her husband, Mark, and their three children. She received a B.A. in Government from Wheaton College in Norton, MA. While raising her children, she volunteered in various capacities in local schools and community organizations. She currently owns and operates a retail gift store.

Treasurer – Emily Baillos

Emily Budd Baillos is the fourth child of Nancy and Bill Budd. After graduating from Lake Forest College, she was in the health insurance industry for 8 years before staying home with her three children. Along with raising her children, Emily volunteers for the local Parent Teacher Organization as treasurer; local hockey association as a manager; local soccer organization as a coach; and a Sunday school teacher. She resides with her family in Illinois.

Board Member – Daniel Ritchie

Daniel founded the Budd Scholarship Fund in 2000 to honor his late stepbrother William Budd, Sr. Daniel was a former Peace Corps Volunteer in Kenya (1964-66). He wanted to support students who were bright, needy and had the character of Bill Budd-optimistic, determined and caring of others. He worked at the World Bank for 30 years and currently manages an international non-profit organization dedicated to fighting corruption around the world. Daniel and his wife Alicia live in Washington, DC and have two grown children and three grandchildren.

Daniel Ritchie with some of the Budd Scholars in 2007

Supporting Education in Kenya